There are 2 types of iron supplements
Heme iron which is derived from meat and poultry Non-heme iron from vegetables, dairy and chemically bonded

Your body prefers Heme Iron
Heme iron is the preferred iron source which is absorbed more efficiently Non-heme iron needs to be broken down and converted to a usable form of iron. This process tends to leave free iron ions causing gastrointestinal side effects such as constipation, diarrhea and stomach cramps

Heme iron has been used for more than 20 years
No serious side effects or iron poisoning have ever been reported from over millions of users

Heme iron will be absorbed in almost any situation
Non-heme iron absorption is often effected by food, drinks such as coffee, tea and other medications Absorption of heme iron starts at the beginning of the intestine. This is especially beneficial for people with short gut

There is no substitute for Iron
Iron is used by your body to form red blood cells Red blood cells help transport oxygen throughout the body

It takes time to replenish your iron stores
This process can take a few months People with ongoing blood loss which cannot be corrected (such as heavy menstrual periods) may need to continue taking iron supplements indefinitely.