Category Archives: Uncategorized

Can Low Iron Cause Digestive Problems?

Low dietary iron may cause digestive problems, especially when your diet or supplements include non-heme iron. Non-heme iron is present in the ferric state (Fe3). Your body needs to convert non-heme iron from the ferric state to the ferrous state (Fe2) for it to be usable. This conversion results in excess iron in your digestive […]

What Causes Iron Deficiency

Two of the possible causes of iron deficiency in adults are not having enough iron in your diet and blood loss. Women tend to be more prone to iron deficiency, especially when they are pregnant or menstruating. Living an active lifestyle can also cause iron deficiency. Training for athletic activities promotes red blood cell production, […]

OptiFer® Alpha Vs Feramax®

Iron deficiency is the main cause of anaemia, which is the most prevalent nutritional deficiency worldwide, according to the World Health Organization[i]. While it is possible to increase iron levels by eating iron-rich foods, many people still remain deficient. For these groups of individuals, iron supplements can help to prevent iron deficiency. There are many […]

Iron Supplements Canada

Iron Supplements Canada Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia affect women across the world. Specific groups, such as women of a reproductive age and female athletes, are at a higher risk of iron deficiency. An iron-rich diet can help to prevent iron deficiency, however, following such a diet may not be easy for everyone. This […]

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